Monday, September 8, 2008

TV Show's and movies Inlfuenced our Fashion trends

Peolpe are always on the look out for new fashion trends and what is the best scource of the newest trends?

it is the so called "TV shows and MOvies" yep ! thats right! Tv show and movies inlfuenced our fashion trends long before the birth of the first box office hit.

The wardrobe used in movies and tv shows became very popular for the

people who watched it even those people who didnt watch may be influenced

by others by the just the word of mouth. As long as they know that the

idea is from the movies and tv shows.

I'll have me for example, I am the author of this topic and I also watch TV

shows and movies. Before when I was about 7 years of age, I always want to

dress up like a ninja from the movies especially those teenage mutant

ninja turtles from TV. I always wanted to have a shell at my back like

them thats why I always tie our furniture turltle on my back and put some

holes on the other piece of my socks and wear it as a mask. And today I

somtimes wear clothes like the ones they wear on the series F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

yup! you heard me, FRIENDS..

Maybe not just me but you also. Maybe not from friends but almost all the

people I know they said they have been influenced by the tv shows and

movies fashion trends. pretty cool huh! but wait till they release another

planet of the apes movie I bet people will wear some of those monkey suits

on the streets.

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